LAMAR COUNTY, Texas -- Some Lamar County students experienced technical issues while taking the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) exam yesterday.
Paris, Chisum, Prariland and Roxton Independent School Districts all reported students losing answers to questions and essays.
The same problem was reported around the state.
Althea Dixon, Executive director of curriculum instruction and accountability for Paris ISD, says they reported the issues immediately.
"We contact the Teachers Education Agency (TEA) or Educational Testing Service (ETS) now that it's the new testing system," Dixon said. "We contact them, and they usually give us guidance, because this is kind of a high stake test and we never want to be the ones to make a mistake and cause a kid not to graduate or pass a test."
Altogether, there were about 40 Lamar County students affected.
Texas students must pass the STAAR to graduate from high school.